Quotation News Lead at vanaddilynnblog Blog

Quotation News Lead. A lead that starts with the subject who gave you the news instead of the news itself. It does this by including the most essential information about the story right at.

John C. Maxwell Quote “The first person you lead is you.”
John C. Maxwell Quote “The first person you lead is you.” from quotefancy.com

The typical news lead aims to first and foremost inform news audiences. A lead that begins with a direct quote. That said, beginning writers can abuse certain kinds of leads.

John C. Maxwell Quote “The first person you lead is you.”

These include leads that begin with a question or direct quotation and those that make a direct appeal using the word you. That said, beginning writers can abuse certain kinds of leads. A lead that starts with the subject who gave you the news instead of the news itself. A quote lead is a style of news lead that begins with a direct quotation from a source, capturing an essential sentiment or statement related to the.